Thursday, August 11, 2011

What Does Line-Breeding Mean to Dog Breeders?

Having decided to mate your bitch, you will have to decide which stud dog to use. This is a very important decision, as it will determine what your puppies will look like. It should therefore only be made after a lot of thought.

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Line-breeding is often advocated as the best way to breed. This involves mating the bitch to a dog within the same family, possibly the grandfather, a half-brother or a dog of similar breeding to the bitch. The theory is that by mating close relatives you double-up on their genetic material, so establishing a dominant line. It also increases the chances of producing a litter of puppies which will all be of similar type, both to each other and to the parents. Line-breeding can only be done if a suitable line-bred stud dog exists, and should only be considered where the available dog is sufficiently sound. Such a mating would obviously be no good if both the dog and the bitch have the same fault, since it would also be inherited by the puppies. If the dog has an undesirable trait it should also be avoided, since you do not want to introduce faults into your breeding.


Very close line-breeding, such as mating brother with sister, is known as inbreeding. This should be avoided unless you are a very experienced breeder with a detailed knowledge of the dogs' pedigrees and can be quite sure that there are no undesirable traits that would be magnified.

The alternative to line-breeding is out-breeding, where there is little or no common breeding in the two pedigrees. Out-breeding gives you the opportunity of assessing all the available stud dogs and selecting the one which you think will give you the best quality litter. This is frequently done in the hope that you will achieve puppies that are of a higher standard than the bitch. A stud dog of similar type to the bitch can be used if you want the puppies to be like the mother.

What Does Line-Breeding Mean to Dog Breeders?

Common FAQ on Dogs.

Sandy is a dog lover who has breed most of her own canine friends.
She maintain her sites at:


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